The Blackshires Community Empowerment Foundation &
Team R3SET Presents

Berkshire SUCC3SS
Impact Accelerator

A Framework for the Economic and Community Empowerment
of the BIPOC Community of Berkshire County

What is the SUCC3SS Accelerator?

A series of sector specific discussion and learning sessions targeted at BIPOC community members and leaders to update and further develop a comprehensive platform for the continued development and health of the Berkshire BIPOC community.  A combination of Idea Jams, Speaker series, Workshops, Roundtables and ongoing digital resources. 

Series will culminate in a designed framework/blueprint for community collaboration and execution, including recommendations and proposals for ongoing development.


In early 2020, leaders within Berkshire’s Black community convened to prioritize and address local issues. 2020 Berkshire County SUCC3SS Report | #R3SET This led to the formation of various strategic initiatives aimed at community empowerment, notably through the Success Impact initiative. Over the course of the series, more than 125 BIPOC members participated in six “Idea Jam” sessions, focusing on areas like Business Development, Arts and Culture, Black Recruitment and Retention, Neighborhood Revitalization, and Leadership Development.

The initiative spurred the establishment of four new BIPOC-led nonprofits and several new programs, effectively mobilizing substantial investment and resources for the community. Notable outcomes included the creation of the Blackshires Community Empowerment Foundation and the Blackshires Leadership Accelerator Program. The latter, developed from community feedback, received significant funding from various sources, including the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, leading to further grants and recognitions such as the Trendsetter Award.

In March 2023, a follow-up Idea Jam was held with the 2023 Blackshires cohort to build on these successes and refine the strategic priorities. Berkshire Black Community Strategic Priority Report – Blackshires Leadership Accelerator March 2023

 Looking ahead, the 20204 Berkshire Success Impact Series aims to delve deeper into these issues, update the community’s strategic blueprint, and set new priorities to further address the needs of the BIPOC community.

The Goals


The Berkshire BIPOC SUCC3SS Accelerator is designed to leverage crucial data to drive the economic and social advancement of BIPOC communities in Berkshire. This initiative fosters a collaborative environment where businesses, government, and non-profits can work together to ensure equitable development and enhanced community services.

The Mission

“To empower and uplift the BIPOC communities of Berkshire by providing actionable data, creating economic opportunities, and enhancing collaboration across sectors.”

The Vision:

“To create a thriving Berkshire where data-driven insights lead to equitable and sustainable community development.”

The Goals

Economic Empowerment: “Facilitate economic growth by identifying and addressing gaps in the market and resources available to BIPOC businesses.”

Data Democratization: “Ensure all community stakeholders have access to and can effectively use relevant data to make informed decisions.”

Community Engagement: “Build a robust network of collaboration between government, private sector, and community organizations to foster comprehensive development initiatives.”

How do we measure the impact of the Accelerator?

Impact is measured through a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics, including the number of projects implemented, the volume and quality of data shared, and feedback from community members and stakeholders. We regularly publish impact reports and updates to keep all partners informed and engaged in our collective progress.

Community Challenges

Breaking Down Data Silos

Challenge: Traditional economic and community development often suffer from data silos where information is isolated within individual organizations or sectors. This leads to fragmented efforts and inefficiencies in addressing community needs.

Solution: The Accelerator facilitates a shared data platform that integrates diverse data sources from multiple stakeholders. This approach ensures a holistic view of community dynamics, enabling more coordinated and effective interventions.

Inequitable Access to Resources

Challenge: Historically, BIPOC communities have faced systemic barriers to accessing economic opportunities and resources. This disparity is often exacerbated by a lack of targeted data to inform policy and private sector action.

Solution: By focusing specifically on the needs and strengths of the BIPOC communities, the Accelerator ensures that data-driven solutions directly address these inequalities, promoting fair distribution of economic and social resources.

Limited Community Engagement

Challenge: Traditional development projects sometimes proceed with minimal input from the communities they aim to serve, leading to solutions that are poorly suited to actual needs.

Solution: The Accelerator prioritizes community involvement at all stages of data collection, analysis, and project implementation. This inclusive approach ensures that initiatives are grounded in real community preferences and needs.

Inefficient Resource Allocation

Challenge: Without comprehensive data, it can be challenging for community planners and developers to allocate resources effectively. This often results in wasted investment and projects that fail to deliver expected benefits.

Solution: With access to detailed, community-specific data, stakeholders can make informed decisions that optimize resource allocation, ensuring that investments deliver maximum impact and benefit to the community.

Lack of Accountability and Transparency

Challenge: Community and economic development projects can suffer from a lack of transparency, which can lead to mistrust and skepticism about the effectiveness of these initiatives.

Solution: The Accelerator promotes transparency by making data accessible to all stakeholders, including community members, and regularly reporting on outcomes and progress. This openness builds trust and accountability, essential elements for sustainable development.

Slow Response to Community Changes

Challenge: Traditional development efforts often lack the agility to respond quickly to changing community needs or crises.

Solution: The dynamic nature of the data-driven approach in the Accelerator allows for real-time insights and rapid adjustment of strategies in response to new information or emerging challenges.

Inadequate Measurement of Impact

Challenge: Measuring the real impact of development initiatives can be difficult without clear data benchmarks and ongoing analysis.

Solution: The Accelerator employs advanced analytics to continuously measure the outcomes of projects against clear benchmarks, providing tangible evidence of success and areas for improvement.

Cultural and Contextual Misalignment

Challenge: Traditional development approaches often overlook the specific cultural and social contexts of BIPOC communities, leading to less effective and poorly received initiatives.

Solution: The Accelerator ensures that all development strategies are culturally competent and tailored to the unique contexts of the communities it serves. This focus increases the effectiveness, acceptance, and sustainability of initiatives by aligning them with local values and needs.

Sectors of Focus

Health & Wellness

Ensuring equitable access to quality health and mental health services is crucial for the well-being of the BIPOC community. Addressing systemic disparities in healthcare provision helps create healthier communities that can thrive and prosper.

Business & Leadership Development

Empowering individuals with the skills, resources, and networks needed to start, grow, and lead businesses fosters economic independence and strengthens community resilience. Developing BIPOC leadership in business ensures diverse perspectives and equitable opportunities.


Providing affordable, safe, and sustainable housing options is essential for stable communities. Tackling housing inequalities promotes community cohesion and offers a foundation for individuals and families to build better futures.

Economic Development

Supporting economic growth and development ensures financial stability and upward mobility for the BIPOC community. By creating pathways to well-paying jobs and entrepreneurship, we can close economic disparities and build a more inclusive economy.

Arts & Culture

Celebrating and investing in the arts and cultural expressions of the BIPOC community enhances social cohesion and preserves unique cultural identities. By fostering a vibrant cultural sector, we can enrich the community’s cultural landscape and promoting an inclusive community.

Youth Development

Investing in the potential of BIPOC youth through education, mentorship, and skill-building paves the way for a brighter future. Youth development programs empower the next generation to become leaders and innovators in their communities.

Food Security

Access to nutritious and affordable food is fundamental for a healthy life. Addressing food deserts and promoting food sovereignty ensure all community members can thrive, regardless of socioeconomic status.

Technology, Innovation & Digital Equity

Bridging the digital divide ensures that BIPOC communities can participate fully in the digital economy. Promoting technological innovation and digital literacy helps close gaps in education, employment, and economic opportunities.

How It Works

Step 1: Gather and Integrate Data

  • Community Input: We start by gathering input from a wide range of sources, including local businesses, government records, and direct community feedback. This helps ensure that the data we collect is comprehensive and reflective of the true needs and circumstances of the BIPOC communities in Berkshire.
  • Data Integration: Using cutting-edge technology and data management practices, we integrate diverse data streams into a centralized, secure database. This process is crucial for maintaining data integrity and confidentiality, while also ensuring easy access for analysis and reporting.

Step 2: Analyze and Develop Insights

  • Data Analysis: Our team of data scientists and community experts analyze the collected data to identify key trends, challenges, and opportunities within the community. This analysis forms the basis for developing actionable insights that can drive effective community interventions.
  • Strategy Development: Based on these insights, we craft targeted strategies aimed at addressing the specific needs of the BIPOC community. These strategies are developed in collaboration with stakeholders to ensure they are viable and culturally appropriate.

Step 3: Implement and Evaluate Impact

  • Project Implementation: With strategies in place, we move to implement projects across various sectors such as economic development, education, health, and housing. These projects are designed to have measurable outcomes, directly benefiting the community.
  • Impact Evaluation: Continuous evaluation is conducted to measure the effectiveness of each project. This includes gathering feedback from the community and stakeholders, allowing for real-time adjustments and ensuring each initiative delivers its intended impact.

Step 4: Iterate and Scale

  • Feedback Integration: Insights gained from evaluations are used to refine existing projects and inform the development of new initiatives. This iterative process helps us stay responsive to the community’s evolving needs.
  • Scaling Success: Successful strategies and projects are scaled to have a broader impact or replicated in other communities facing similar challenges. This expansion is guided by our commitment to sustainable, community-driven growth.

Organizations we work with

Driving community transformation with leading brands

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Berkshire BIPOC SUCC3SS Accelerator?

The Berkshire BIPOC SUCC3SS Accelerator is a collaborative initiative designed to harness the power of data to empower and drive economic and social advancement within the BIPOC communities of Berkshire. By uniting community organizations, local government, and businesses, we aim to create sustainable solutions through data-driven insights and strategic partnerships.

How do we measure the impact of the Accelerator?

Impact is measured through a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics, including the number of projects implemented, the volume and quality of data shared, and feedback from community members and stakeholders. We regularly publish impact reports and updates to keep all partners informed and engaged in our collective progress.

What kind of data is shared within the Accelerator?

The Accelerator focuses on sharing a wide range of data, including economic indicators, health statistics, educational outcomes, housing data, and employment trends within the Berkshire BIPOC communities. All data is aggregated and anonymized to protect individual privacy and comply with all relevant data protection regulations.

How is data privacy handled in the Accelerator?

Data privacy is paramount in all our operations. We adhere to strict data protection laws and guidelines, ensuring all data is anonymized and securely handled. Partners must agree to our data use and privacy policies, which are designed to protect all parties and the individuals represented in the data.

How does the Accelerator benefit my organization?

Partners in the Accelerator gain access to a rich dataset specific to Berkshire’s BIPOC communities, which can enhance strategic decision-making, identify new market opportunities, and improve community engagement efforts. Additionally, partners gain increased visibility as leaders in social responsibility and have the opportunity to network with key community stakeholders.

Who can join the Accelerator?

We welcome local businesses, government agencies, non-profits, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and any other organizations interested in contributing to and benefiting from a more equitable and thriving Berkshire community. Our goal is to include a diverse array of voices and sectors to ensure comprehensive community development.

Are there any costs involved in joining the Accelerator?

While there are no mandatory fees to join the Accelerator, we encourage organizations to consider contributing through sponsorship, shared resources, or volunteer expertise. Financial contributions help sustain the platform and expand its reach and impact within the community.

How can my organization contribute to the Accelerator?

Organizations can contribute by sharing relevant data, providing expertise, offering financial support, or participating in collaborative projects. We encourage partners to engage in ways that align with their capacities and strategic interests, contributing to the collective impact of the Accelerator.

How can I learn more about partnership opportunities?

For more information about becoming a partner in the Berkshire BIPOC SUCC3SS Accelerator, please visit our Contact Us page to schedule a meeting with our team, or sign up through our online partner registration form to receive detailed information and updates.

How Do I Get Involved?

The first place to get involved is to join Team R3SET.  It’s a free platform (you do have to apply though) where you can find resources and communities who share you’re values and goals. Once you’re a member, you can hire from the R3SET Agency, share your stories with SP3AK EASY, make suggestions for our Roadmap, or invest with R3SET Enterprises.

Get Involved

An Overview

Step 1.

Choose Your Involvement Method

Sponsorship: Support key initiatives financially and gain visibility as a leader committed to social change.

Sharing Data: Contribute valuable data to enhance the collective resource pool and improve community insights.

Volunteering: Donate your time and skills to help facilitate our programs and operations.

Donation: Provide financial resources to help sustain and expand our impact initiatives.

Step 2.

Register Your Interest

Fill out the partnership form. Specify your preferred involvement method and any relevant details about your organization or personal qualifications. This helps us understand how you can best contribute to the Accelerator.

Step 3.

Engage and Collaborate

For Sponsors and Donors: We will contact you to discuss the specifics of your contribution, including potential projects to fund and the visibility benefits for your organization.

For Data Sharers: Our team will guide you through the data integration process, ensuring that your data contributions comply with privacy standards and enhance our analytics capabilities.

For Volunteers: Based on your skills and interests, we will match you with volunteering opportunities that make the most impact.

Partner Benefits

An Overview


Strategic Advantages:

Informed Decision Making: 
Gain access to exclusive, detailed datasets and analytics about the Berkshire BIPOC community, enhancing your planning and decision-making processes.

Community Impact: 
Be part of visible, measurable improvements in community services and economic development, reinforcing your organization’s commitment to social responsibility.

Network Expansion: 
Connect with a diverse network of leaders from business, government, and non-profits, expanding your influence and creating new opportunities.

Operational Benefits:

Enhanced Visibility: Increase your organization’s visibility as a community-focused leader through featured partnerships, events, and publications.

Resource Efficiency: 

Leverage shared resources and collective expertise to achieve more relevant & impactful data at a lower individual cost.

Innovative Collaboration: 

Engage in pioneering projects that integrate cross-sector data for innovative solutions.

Partner Qualifications

An Overview

Alignment with Mission and Values

Your organization is committed to community engagement, collaboration, innovation, and transparency. Our partnership thrives on shared values and a common vision for community development.

Commitment to Community Engagement

Your organization recognizes the importance of engaging communities in decision-making. You are prepared to adopt creative methods to gather insights and foster participatory development.

Readiness for Innovation

You're open to new ideas and methodologies. Your organization is ready to embrace our rapid design-thinking approach for more effective planning, development, and investment.

Ability to Collaborate

You value teamwork within your organization and with external partners. A collaborative spirit is essential for the success of our process, and you are ready to work together towards common goals.

Willingness to Invest in Impact

Your organization understands the importance of aligning investments with community needs. You are committed to funding sources that create real and lasting impact within the communities you serve.

Adaptability to Rapid Changes

You recognize the need for adaptability in today's fast-changing landscape. Your organization is prepared to engage in flexible planning that can respond quickly to new insights and challenges.

Focus on Data-Driven Decisions

Your organization understands the importance of aligning investments with community needs. You are committed to funding sources that create real and lasting impact within the communities you serve.

Developing Trust-Based Relationships

Your organization believes in building transparent and trust-based relationships with communities, stakeholders, and partners. You understand that trust is fundamental to effective community engagement and are committed to fostering an environment where transparency and integrity are central to your operations.

About Us

An Overview

About Us

The Blackshires Community Empowerment Foundation helps established and emerging BIPOC leaders in Berkshire County expand their capacity & community impact.

About Us

The R3SET Agency helps leaders, organizations, and communities work together, adapt faster & make a bigger impact.

Collaborate with us on the first open-innovation model for the complex needs of community empowerment.